Identify the most popular version of this npm package?

Provider indicators npmfor the most dependent packages , but they say that you want to determine the most popular version of this package - is this possible?

As a user, I am thinking of upgrading to react-router^4.0.0, but would like to look at some adoption numbers (i.e. the number of people running ^3.0.0vs ^4.0.0), is there any way to do this? In general, let's say that this package has 500 thousand downloads in the last month, I could not imagine what they are all for foobar@latest, so finding a breakdown of the downloads by version will be useful.

In addition, as a publisher, let's say I have packages published in npm, and would like to understand which versions of these packages are most popular among my users. Does npmthis offer some kind of report? I can't seem to find these numbers when I logged in and looked at my published items.

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2 answers

, , , , . , , npm-stat, . , , , .

npm , , , == , npm install

, , JSON, , . , Github SearchCode , , . , , , , .

, CLI npm


, NPM. , , .

NPM . , npm-stat. .

npm install --save <package-name> , package.json. , , , , , .



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