Npm WARN response-native-maps@0.14.0 requires an equal answer @> = 15.4.0 but no one has been set


I am trying to install Airbnb-based adaptive maps in my project. Installation Instructions: airbnb / response-native-maps / installation

When I run the following command in cmd: npm install react-native-maps --save

This is what I get: `- react-native-maps@0.14.0 npm WARN response-native-maps@0.14.0 requires peer-to-peer interaction @> = 15.4.0, but none of them have been installed.

Ignoring this if I continue the installation and run the following command: react-native link react-native-maps

This is what I get: Scanning 561 folders for symbolic links in C: \ RNProjects \ Mapp \ node_modules (39ms) rnpm-install info Dependency binding i-to-depend-maps rnpm-install info iOS module response-native-maps successfully connected

^ As you can see, only modules associated with iOS cards are installed. When checking the project directory, I was able to verify that the module associated with Android was not installed.


Here is a list of things that I tried to solve the problem, but none of them worked.

  • Tried installation npm install react@15.4.0 --save

Received the following warnings:

npm WARN react-native@0.43.3 @16.0.0-alph.6, . npm WARN response-test-renderer@16.0.0-alpha.6 @@1616.0.0-alpha.6, .

, , response@16.0.0-alpha.6 : npm install react@16.0.0-alpha.6.


npm WARN response-native-maps@0.14.0 @ >= 15.4.0, .

  1. -native npm update react-native.

- .

  1. npm: npm install npm@latest -g.


  • response-native: 0.43.3
  • response-native-cli: 2.0.1
  • : Android
  • : Windows 10

( ):

  • node_module
  • npm cache clean
  • package.json : "": "~ 15.4.1"; " ": "0.42.3"; "--": "15.4.1"
  • npm install all module
  • npm install
  • npm i react-native-maps@0.12.5 --S
  • react-native link react-native-maps

, ios - .

: react-native run-android

: cd android && gradlew clean && cd .. && react-native run-android.

gradle .



  • node_module, npm cache;
  • package.json

    "": "~ 15.4.1", "-": "0.42.3", "--": "~ 15.4.1",

  • npm ;

  • done;)



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