The Office 365 Graph API documentation suggests that $ filter and $ top operations should be supported when used together on request delta ...
However, when executing a query that uses both $ filter and $ top, for example: TOAA $ filter = receivedDateTime% 20ge% 202017-04-01T00: 00: 00Z & $ top = 1000
We find that the top value of $ is not applied, and the default value of 10 results per page is used. However, the $ filter was applied correctly.
When testing without the $ filter operator, we find that the value of $ top is applied as expected.
Is this a bug in the Graph API, or am I not understanding something? Thanks in advance.
I could not get the result using the parameter $topwith delta.
But the optional title odata.maxpagesizementioned in the same document seems to work.
You can try adding this to your request headers. Prefer:
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