I have a request that gets me a list of notes and a subscription that listens and inserts new notes, modifying the request. However, the problem in the first note is not added.
So, let me add more detailed information, initially responding to a query with an object that contains an attribute called notes, which is an array of length 0, if we try to add a note, the attribute will be deleted. A note is created, so if I update my application, the request will return a note. If I try to add a note again, the note will be added to the array in the request object.
Here is my notes container where I request notes and create a new property to subscribe to other notes.
export const NotesDataContainer = component => graphql(NotesQuery,{
name: 'notes',
props: props => {
console.log(props); // props.notes.notes is undefined on first note added when none exists.
return {
subscribeToNewNotes: () => {
return props.notes.subscribeToMore({
document: NotesAddedSubscription,
updateQuery: (prevRes, { subscriptionData }) => {
if (!subscriptionData.data.noteAdded) return prevRes;
return update(prevRes, {
notes: { $unshift: [subscriptionData.data.noteAdded] }
Any help would be great, thanks.
export const NotesQuery = gql`
query NotesQuery {
notes {
export const NotesAddedSubscription = gql`
subscription onNoteAdded {
noteAdded {
Another EDIT
class NotesPageUI extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.newNotesSubscription = null;
componentWillMount() {
if (!this.newNotesSubscription) {
this.newNotesSubscription = this.props.subscribeToNewNotes();
render() {
return (
<NoteCreation onEnterRequest={this.props.createNote} />
notes={ this.props.notes.notes }
deleteNoteRequest={ id => this.props.deleteNote(id) }
favouriteNoteRequest={ this.props.favouriteNote }
Other editing: