How can I assure you that the Jenkins pipeline phase is always completed, even if the previous one failed?

I am looking for an example Jenkinsfilethat a step is always executed, even if the previous step failed.

I want to assure that I archive some assembly results in the event of a failure, and I need to always have a completed step at the end.

How can i achieve this?

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2 answers
   try {
         sh "false"
    } finally {

        stage 'finalize'
        echo "I will always run!"

We switched to using Jenkinsfile declarative pipelines, which allows us to do such things:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Test') {
            steps {
                sh './gradlew check'
    post {
        always {
            junit 'build/reports/**/*.xml'


Tests and artifacts

Jenkins Piping Syntax



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