How to add post-assembly action to a pipeline in Jenkins

Below is my pipeline script

node(Slave01) {
currentBuild.displayName = "${URL_Name}"
stage 'Pt2ctf process'
node(Slave01) {
build job: 'Pt2ctf_16_7', parameters: [string(name: 'URL_Name', value: "${URL_name}"), string(name: 'Display_Name', value: "${Display_Name}")]
stage 'add_fields'
node(Slave01) {
build job: 'add_fields_16_7', parameters: [string(name: 'URL_Name', value: "${URL_Name}")]

The above groovy script will run multiple builds in sequence. I have another assembly that will start after the sequence is completed. I do not see any post builds in the pipeline job configuration.

Is it possible that we can add a few more lines as shown below:

build job: 'testing_build'

Or do we have another option? please suggest

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2 answers

post , . .


-, - :

stage 'post-build'
build job: 'testing_build'


try {
    //Stages to be included in build
} catch {
} finally {
    stage 'post-build'


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