It is enough to print new lines inside a line in a Pandas DataFrame

I have a Pandas DataFrame in which one of the columns contains string elements, and those string elements contain new rows that I would like to print literally. But they just appear as \nin the output.

That is, I want to print this:

  pos     bidder
0   1
1   2
2   3  <- alice
       <- bob
3   4

but this is what I get:

  pos            bidder
0   1
1   2
2   3  <- alice\n<- bob
3   4

How can I accomplish what I want? Can I use a DataFrame, or will I have to go back to manually printing the padded columns one row at a time?

Here is what I still have:

n = 4
output = pd.DataFrame({
    'pos': range(1, n+1),
    'bidder': [''] * n
bids = {'alice': 3, 'bob': 3}
used_pos = []
for bidder, pos in bids.items():
    if pos in used_pos:
        arrow = output.ix[pos, 'bidder']
        output.ix[pos, 'bidder'] = arrow + "\n<- %s" % bidder
        output.ix[pos, 'bidder'] = "<- %s" % bidder
source share
4 answers

From pandas.DataFrame documention :

, ( ). . . pandas

, . "\n" DataFrame.

'pos' "" . "pos" , . :

  pos    bidder
0   1          
1   2          
2   3  <- alice
3        <- bob
4   5   

, , "", 4, "bob". , . , DataFrame , , , .


import pandas as pd

n = 5
output = pd.DataFrame({'pos': range(1, n + 1),
                      'bidder': [''] * n},
                      columns=['pos', 'bidder'])
bids = {'alice': 3, 'bob': 3}
used_pos = []
for bidder, pos in bids.items():
    if pos in used_pos:
        output.ix[pos, 'bidder'] = "<- %s" % bidder
        output.ix[pos, 'pos'] = ''
        output.ix[pos - 1, 'bidder'] = "<- %s" % bidder


. pos / . DataFrame NaN .

import pandas as pd

data = {'johnny\nnewline': 2, 'alice': 3, 'bob': 3,
        'frank': 4, 'lisa': 1, 'tom': 8}
n = range(1, max(data.values()) + 1)

# Create DataFrame with columns = pos
output = pd.DataFrame(columns=n, index=[])

# Populate DataFrame with rows
for index, (bidder, pos) in enumerate(data.items()):
    output.loc[index, pos] = bidder

# Print the DataFrame and remove NaN to make it easier to read.

# Fetch and print every element in column 2
for index in range(1, 5):
    print(output.loc[index, 2])

, . :)


ipython, :

from IPython.display import display, HTML

def pretty_print(df):
    return display( HTML( df.to_html().replace("\\n","<br>") ) )


import pandas as pd

# Save the original 'to_html' function to call it later
pd.DataFrame.base_to_html = pd.DataFrame.to_html
# Call it here in a controlled way
pd.DataFrame.to_html = (
    lambda df, *args, **kwargs: 
        (df.base_to_html(*args, **kwargs)
           .replace(r"\n", "<br/>"))

, - Jupyter, to_html . , base_to_html ( ).

jupyter 1.0.0, notebook 5.7.6.


pandas .set_properties() white-space CSS

[ IPython] CSS "white-space": "pre-wrap":

from IPython.display import display

# Assuming the variable df contains the relevant DataFrame
    'white-space': 'pre-wrap',

To keep the text aligned to the left, you can add 'text-align': 'left'"" to the edge, as shown below:

from IPython.display import display

# Assuming the variable df contains the relevant DataFrame
    'text-align': 'left',
    'white-space': 'pre-wrap',



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