Friend vs member function in C ++ operator overload

I used to learn about operator overloading in C ++ as member functions, as well as functions of a friend of a class. Although, I know how to overload operators in C ++ using both methods. But I'm still confused that ** which is better? Member function or friend function to overload operators, which should I use and why? Please guide me! Your answer will be greatly appreciated. I will be glad and grateful for your answers.

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4 answers

The choice is not "member or friend", but "member or non-member."
(Friendship is often abused and is usually taught too early in schools.)

, -, .


class A
    explicit A(int y) : x(y) {}
    A plus(const A& y) const { return A{x + y.x}; }
    int x;

A operator+(const A& lhs, const A& rhs) { return; }

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// Can't be a member because the int is on the left.
A operator+ (int x, const A& a) { return A{x} + a; }

, (, + +=), mutating , -:

class B
    explicit B(int y) : x(y) {}
    B& operator+= (const B& y) { x += y.x; return *this; }
    int x;

B operator+(B lhs, const B& rhs) { return lhs += rhs; }


class C
    explicit C(int y) : x(y) {}
    C& add(const C& y) { x += y.x; return *this; }
    int x;

C& operator+=(C& lhs, const C& rhs) { return lhs.add(rhs); }
C operator+(C lhs, const C& rhs) { return lhs += rhs; }

- , . , , , .

struct A
    A operator+=(A const & second); 

A operator+(A const &first, A const &second)
    A temp(first);
    temp += second;
    return temp;

one, , , : (friend ), , . : A a int A ( , a int), -, .

A a1, a2; 
a1 + a2; // OK 
a1 + 42; // OK
42 + a2; // KO


A a1, a2; 
a1 + a2; // Ok 
a1 + 42; // Ok 
42 + a2; // Ok

++, , std::string.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
    std::string s {"World"};
    // Works with absolutely no problem.
    std::string chaine = "Hello " + s;
    std::cout << chaine << std::endl;

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class A {
    A operator + (const class A& other);   // naturally a member function

, , , , friend

std::outstream& operator << (std::outstream& out, const class A& a);

class A {
    friend std::outstream& operator << (std::outstream& out, const class A& a); // must be friend here

std::outstream, A , std::outstream ++...


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