I have a maven project (archtype quicksetup). And I have test windows annotated with @Test.
Can I run unit test from the Visual Studio user interface?
Microsoft has finally released an extension for this purpose. However, the documentation is currently definitely missing. I myself have not yet worked on this.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1016083/More articles:Почему perldoc не работает здесь? - perlHow to download Podspec dependencies for local development - iosDraw on rotated CANVAS - javascriptHow to return MDC "inheritance" using a modern magazine? - slf4jSocialite laravel 5.4 Facebook Provider - facebookkeras игнорирует значения в файле $HOME/.keras/keras.json - pythonMulticolor gradient with marking mask in Swift (Xcode) - uilabelD3 Force Directed Graph: why flags are not displayed? - javascriptReading CSV file in Android application - javaUILabel add GradientLayer - iosAll Articles