How to return MDC "inheritance" using a modern magazine?

Returning to an earlier project and turning around updating its dependencies, I had to understand that logback no longer applies MDC to children from the version 1.1.5:

This change makes most magazines almost useless.

Although I can understand the arguments given in the related issues, I cannot understand why this change could not be made in more backward compatibility (usually usually in java ..).

Q : What is the correct way to achieve the same behavior now, besides having to subclass everything from Runnables to Threads?

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1 answer

I do not see a direct way to change this. Two alternatives that come to mind are the following:

Method number 1: Wrap all Runnables

Imagine an abstract class that will copy MDCfrom the original Threadto the new Threadand use it insteadRunnable

public abstract class MdcAwareRunnable implements Runnable
    private Map<String, String> originalMdc;

    public MdcAwareRunnable()
        this.originalMdc = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap();

    public void run()

    protected abstract void runImpl();

     * In case some Runnable comes from external API and we can't change that code we can wrap it anyway.
    public static MdcAwareRunnable wrap(Runnable runnable)
        return new MdcAwareRunnable()
            protected void runImpl()

If some Runnablecomes from an external API that you cannot change this code, use a wraphelper method.

Disadvantage: you need to analyze and modify the entire code.

Method number 2: mess with internal components slf4j

LogbackMDCAdapter, InheritableThreadLocal - . - , MDC.mdcAdapter . , , , №1.

. LogbackMDCAdapter . . LogbackMDCAdapter.getPropertyMap .

№ 3: ( )

, .

LogbackMDCAdapter, , .class logback.jar.

LogbackMDCAdapter , .class org.slf4j.impl.StaticMDCBinder logback.jar , LogbackMDCAdapter logback.jar, . MDC , MDCAdapter .

ClassLoader, org.slf4j.impl.StaticMDCBinder , logback.jar. : , , -, ClassLoaders.



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