Difference between Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin Cross Platform

I was 2 years old with the Xamarin Environment, and mostly I used Xamarin.Forms. But still I have no idea what the Xamarin Cross Platform is? Can someone explain some structural differences?

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4 answers

Xamarin has two ways to create mobile applications: Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Native. Both methods allow you to write cross-platform code.

Cross platform is just a concept. This means that the code you write once can run on multiple platforms. Xamarin is a cross-platform (mainly Xamarin.Forms) because it allows you to write code that runs on multiple (different) platforms.


When we talk about Xamarin, there are two approaches to developing your own applications:

  • Xamarin's traditional approach
  • Xamarin.Forms

There is a good quote from the Xamarin website

Share the code everywhere. Use the same language, API and data structures to share an average of 75% of the application code in all mobile development platforms. Build user interfaces with Xamarin.Forms and share almost 100%.

, , Xamarin.

"" . Xamarin (Xamarin.iOS Xamarin.Android), Mono, .NET Framework . #, 75% , Xamarin.

enter image description here

Xamarin Traditional, # , - .. , / Xamarin. Android Xamarin.iOS, , , API.

Xamarin :

, Objective-C, Swift Java, # Xamarin Visual Studio.

Xamarin : enter image description here

  • . , .
  • Xamarin.Android: Android, Android API, ..
  • Xamarin.iOS: iOS, API iOS, ..

Xamarin .

Xamarin.Forms - Xamarin:

Xamarin.Forms - , . , iOS, Android, Windows Windows Phone. , .

, Xamarin.Forms - , # XAML MVVM... Xamarin.Forms .

enter image description here

: , ,

  • . , , Xamarin.Forms, .
  • Xamarin.iOS Xamarin.Android: , .

, , Xamarin.Forms, , , . Xamarin.Forms .

Xamarin.Forms .

, ... Xamarin , Xamarin.Forms , .

. " " "PCL", , Xamarin app solution.


Xamarin.iOS Xamarin.Android (Xamarin Native), , , Xamarin Forms -, . Xamarin (Button, Label ..). , Xamarin.Forms, .

Xamarin Native ( iOS, Android). Xamarin Native, .

, !


, Xamarin Cross Platform , ( PCL ), , Xamarin.Android Xamarin.IOS, , , .

So, I would say this: Xamarin.Forms is one of the tools you use to create cross-platform compatible code that can then be built using the Xamarin Cross Platform technology, does it make sense?


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1016055/

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