Specify different yarn installation paths for 'devDependencies and' dependencies

Im using yarn to manage my addictions for my project. I have developer ( devDependencies) dependencies needed for development and front-end ( dependencies) dependencies that will be required and used for my project. I use Git to control my version control.

The default yarn seems to install all the dependencies in the directory node_modules. This works great for developer dependencies, but since I use Git, I usually ignore this directory. However, I would like to fix my external interfaces and isolate them from the dependencies of the developers.

I am wondering if it is possible to configure the yarn to install the necessary dependencies in a separate directory from the developer dependencies. For example:

  • devDependencies will be installed in /node_modules
  • dependencies will be installed in /vendor

Bower has similar functionality in a file .bowerrc, but I cannot find anything like yarn. I have been considering using Bower alongside Yarn for my front-end dependencies, but this seems to strip the purpose of using Yarn.

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1 answer

, , -D, , yarn install some-package -D, devDependencies package.json, -D, , ,


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1016022/

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