I have the following code:
public async Task<LoginResult> GenerateJwtTokenAsync(string email, string password)
LoginResult loginResult = await _membershipProvider.Login(email, password);
if (loginResult.Succeeded)
var symmetricKey = Convert.FromBase64String(Secret);
var tokenDescriptor = new SecurityTokenDescriptor
Subject = new ClaimsIdentity(loginResult.Claims),
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1),
SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials(new SymmetricSecurityKey(symmetricKey), SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256Signature)
var stoken = _tokenHandler.CreateToken(tokenDescriptor);
var token = _tokenHandler.WriteToken(stoken);
var jwtToken = _tokenHandler.ReadToken(token) as JwtSecurityToken;
loginResult.JwtToken = token;
return loginResult;
public ClaimsPrincipal ValidateJwtToken(string tokenString)
ClaimsPrincipal principal;
var jwtToken = _tokenHandler.ReadToken(tokenString) as JwtSecurityToken;
if (jwtToken == null)
principal = null;
var symmetricKey = Convert.FromBase64String(Secret);
var validationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters()
RequireExpirationTime = true,
ValidateIssuer = false,
ValidateAudience = false,
IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(symmetricKey)
SecurityToken securityToken;
principal = _tokenHandler.ValidateToken(tokenString, validationParameters, out securityToken);
catch (Exception ex)
principal = null;
return principal;
The line below reads the token perfectly, however, when I actually read it in the second method, I get an exception.
// Check token here to see if it works
var jwtToken = _tokenHandler.ReadToken(token) as JwtSecurityToken
I confirmed that the two lines are identical, I am very confused why this stops working when I really want to check the token for the life of me. I do not see what I am doing wrong. Any ideas please?
An exception
"IDX10729: Unable to decode the header 'header' as Base64Url encoded string. jwtEncodedString: 'Token here'."
Stack trace:
at System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityToken.Decode(String[] tokenParts, String rawData)
at System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityTokenHandler.ReadJwtToken(String token)
at AuthService.ValidateJwtToken(String tokenString) in AuthService.cs:line 57