I have a TFS 2017 server assembly, it is connected to the bucket \ Git bit repository. The assembly is automatically activated when the wizard changes. This works great and works great if I manually run the master build or branch.
But I continue to receive an unsuccessful build that is accidentally started by project collection service accounts
They always fail with this error.
There was an exception while polling the repository. Error: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build2.Server.Extensions.ExternalConnectorException: this remote never connected ---> LibGit2Sharp.LibGit2SharpException: this remote never connected to LibGit2Sharp.Core.Ensure.HandleError (Int32 result) in LibGit2Sharp.Pro.Pro .git_remote_ls (repository repository, RemoteHandle remote) on LibGit2Sharp.Repository.ListRemoteReferences (String url, CredentialsHandler credentialsProvider) in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build2.Server.Extensions.GitConnector.GetBranches (External End Connection) - at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build2.Server.Extensions.GitConnector.GetBranches (ExternalConnection connection) with Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build2.Server.Extensions.GitSourceProvider.GetMatchingBranchRefs (IVssRequestContext requestContext, definition BuildDefinition, IList1 branchFilters) at
requestContext, BuildDefinition definition, List
1 branchFilters, Boolean batchChanges, String previousVersionEvaluated, Dictionary`2 & ciData, String & lastVersionEvaluated) in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build2.Server.Extensions.BuildPollingJobExtension.Run (IVssRequestContext requestContextDameTimementitionFementitionFementitionFementitionFementitionFementitionFementitionFementitionFementitionFementitionFementitionFunctionFunction
These errors are always individual continuous integration.
But when I check the wizard, which is the same user as the Project Collection Service Credentials , it uses the Butted Continuous Integration , not sure if it matters. This happens in all the definitions of my build, but only after upgrading to TFS 2017 did this not happen in my previous version