Target first, even / odd and last element with a class, without a shell, among other elements (nth-of-class behavior) :)

I have the following structure:

<div class="elementWrapper">
  <div>1. Element</div>
  <div>2. Element</div>
  <div>3. Element</div>
  <div class="alternate">1. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">2. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">3. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">4. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">5. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div>9. Element</div>
  <div>10. Element</div>
  <div>11. Element</div>

There may be an unknown number of several elements before and after, and I have no way to add a “wrap” div around the elements with class = "alternate". (where everything will be fine).

I would like the first .alternate Element to be the top edge, the last .alternate Element to be the bottom. And all .alternate elements should have a different background color for each line (even / odd).

I tried it differently and I know that nth-of-type and nth-child will not work because there is no div wrapper around my .alternate elements and therefore it cannot work because all elements are counted for even / odd etc.

, :

, - . css?



( border-top .alternate border-bottom .alternate), , border-top :

  • .alternate, , :not() .alternate, 21 > li >
  • , .alternate, , .

.alternate border-top .alternate, :first-child, , .alternate, border-bottom .alternate, :last-child.

" " .alternate, , , background, :nth-of-type() ( :nth-child()) -. , , .alternate background, , JavaScript - CSS, (. ).

  var wrappers=document.querySelectorAll(".elementWrapper"),
/** JQuery **/
  border-top:1px solid #000;
  border-bottom:1px solid #000;

/** Uncomment below for CSS-only zebra-striping **/

/** "housekeeping" **/.elementWrapper{background:#fff;color:#000;margin:0 0 20px;}.elementWrapper>div{font-family:sans-serif;font-size:14px;overflow:hidden;padding:5px;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;}
<div class="elementWrapper">
  <div>1. Element</div>
  <div class="alternate">1. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">2. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">3. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">4. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">5. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div>9. Element</div>
<div class="elementWrapper">
  <div>1. Element</div>
  <div>2. Element</div>
  <div class="alternate">1. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">2. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">3. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">4. Element with spec. Class</div>
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@Shaggy, :not nth-of-type, , css.


.elementWrapper div:not(.alternate)+div.alternate,
.elementWrapper div.alternate+div:not(.alternate) {
  border-top: 2px solid blue;

.elementWrapper div.alternate:nth-of-type(odd) {
  background: green;

.elementWrapper div.alternate:nth-of-type(even) {
  background: red;
<div class="elementWrapper">
  <div>1. Element</div>
  <div>2. Element</div>
  <div>3. Element</div>
  <div class="alternate">1. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">2. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">3. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">4. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div class="alternate">5. Element with spec. Class</div>
  <div>9. Element</div>
  <div>10. Element</div>
  <div>11. Element</div>
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OP, div .alternate, . first-child last-child.

/* if there are no elements before .alternate */
.elementWrapper > div.alternate:first-child{
  border-top: 2px solid blue;

/* if there are no elements after .alternate */
.elementWrapper > div.alternate:last-child{
  border-bottom: 2px solid blue;

If your .alternate elements are concentrated in one region (that is, they are all together), you can get a zebra style with these styles:

.alternate {
  background: gray;

div:nth-of-type(even):not(.alternate)+.alternate:nth-of-type(odd) {
  background: red;
<div class="wrap">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="elementWrapper">
      <div>1. Element</div>
      <div>2. Element</div>
      <div>3. Element</div>
      <div class="alternate">1. Element with spec. Class</div>
      <div class="alternate">2. Element with spec. Class</div>
      <div class="alternate">3. Element with spec. Class</div>
      <div class="alternate">4. Element with spec. Class</div>
      <div class="alternate">5. Element with spec. Class</div>
      <div>9. Element</div>
      <div>10. Element</div>
      <div>11. Element</div>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="elementWrapper">
      <div>1. Element</div>
      <div>2. Element</div>
      <div>3. Element</div>
      <div>4. Element</div>
      <div class="alternate">1. Element with spec. Class</div>
      <div class="alternate">2. Element with spec. Class</div>
      <div class="alternate">3. Element with spec. Class</div>
      <div class="alternate">4. Element with spec. Class</div>
      <div class="alternate">5. Element with spec. Class</div>
      <div>10. Element</div>
      <div>11. Element</div>
      <div>12. Element</div>
Run codeHide result


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