I need to connect to my virtual box running on my local machine to transfer files from my local system to the virtual machine using WINSCP.
How to find the ip address. When I go to the settings and network tab, I find something related to ip, but when I use it, it says that I CANNOT FIND or FAULT.
Log in to the virtual machine using the command below to verify the ip address. (anyone will work)
NAT ( ip, . IP-
/, Ip. IP-
. , . readonly ( " " ) ( " " ) ( "" ).
. VMShared ( ). ( ).
. - . , IP-.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1015937/More articles:How to add an exception test for the next Http call that json returns - c #How to scroll a browser page - Laravel Dusk (Browser tests) - phpboost :: filesystem :: path :: lexically_normal: is this the wrong behavior? - c ++the go version command shows the old version number after upgrading to 1.8 - goNew Eclipse gluon project doesn't end - javaиспытание груза - освобождение вызывает переполнение стека. Почему нет скамейки для груза? - stackПочему в работе JavaScript на веб-узлах и узлах есть разные результаты? - javascriptAngular 2 Injected Service undefined - dependency-injectionangular 2 - Introduced service in HTTP error handler - angularThe boundaries of transactions and DTO with JPA - javaAll Articles