As you know, the newest version of Visual Studio 2017 leaves the project "project.json" and uses it instead .csproj
I am using the RTM version and want to generate a model from an existing database, following this guide . In the last step, I got an error:
Basic Entity Framework commands for the package manager console do not yet support csproj-based .NET Core projects. Instead, use the .NET Command Line Tools (e.g. dotnet ef). For more information, see .
After the error, I used the link mentioned to switch to dotnet ef
. Here is my package manager team:
PM> dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server =; Database = Jumpstart; Trusted_Connection = True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
Then the error appears again:
dotnet: no executable found the corresponding dotnet-ef command
I used the help command, I found that dotnet does not have a command called ef.
I just want to create a model from an existing database.