I am writing a custom dialog in JavaFX for my project. I need an option, but a quick mode to display the contents of the dialog box.
I know about controlsFX; I actually use it, but I want to show content in a WebView so that it is more manageable.
The problem is that the size of the WebView I want to find the height of the body of the document and set the size of the WebView for it.
I tried the following javascript hack, but before showing the dialog, I get 0 for the size and after showing the dialog the value is not reliable. Is there a better solution, or should I forget about it and try to build a swing component that supports HTML 3?
WebView vw = new WebView();
vw.getEngine().loadContent("<p>This is my text</p><b>Another</b><p> This is a paragraph</p><ul><li>First cause</li><li>Second cause></li></ul>");
vw.setPrefSize(500, 50);
vw.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
Integer h = (Integer) vw.getEngine().executeScript("document.body.offsetHeight");
System.out.println("scriptRES: " + h );
vw.setPrefSize(400, h);
vw.setMinSize(400, h);
vw.setMaxSize(400, h);