Java FX: TableView - Displays plain HTML

I would like to know if simple HTML tags can be rendered in JavaFX TableView (b, i, subscript, supscript). In my code snippet, I used default cellValueFactory, but maybe someone could tell me if there is any factory cell that allows me to display html.

From the code:

class Data{
    private String row = "<b> Sample data</b>"

    public String getRow(){
        return row;

TableView<Data> tableView = new TableView();
TableColumn<Data,String> column = new TableColumn("Sample Column");
column.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Data, String>("row"));

I wish I could see examples of data in my table in bold. Thanks in advance!

- ADDED Code that allows me to see my HTML, but it resizes the table cell, the size of the WebView is ignored and not delayed.

 private class HTMLCell extends TableCell<Component, Component> {

  protected void updateItem(Component item, boolean empty) {
   super.updateItem(item, empty);
   if (!empty) {
    WebView webView = new WebView();
    WebEngine engine = webView.getEngine();
    // setGraphic(new Label("Test"));
    String formula = item.getFormula();


   TableColumn<Component, Component> formulaColumn = new TableColumn<>("Formula");
  formulaColumn.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn<Component, Component>, TableCell<Component, Component>>() {

   public TableCell<Component, Component> call(TableColumn<Component, Component> param) {
    return new HTMLCell();

  formulaColumn.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Component, Component>, ObservableValue<Component>>() {

   public ObservableValue<Component> call(CellDataFeatures<Component, Component> param) {
    return new SimpleObjectProperty<Component>(param.getValue());
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2 answers

HTML in WebView in TableCell

factory, WebView node, HTML-.


WebView node, . , RT-25005 WebView.

, , maxSize WebView webView.setPrefSize(prefX, prefY). , prefX prefY , , .

, , WebView, WebView, , pref, , , ​​Java 8b129 ( JavaFX Issue Tracker , ).


TextFlow . HTML, , , , , , .


HTML- WebEngine/WebView, TableView.



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