I'm new to testing, and I was tasked with setting up and writing automated integration tests for the React-Native app for iOS and Android. I have serious problems setting up integration tests. What framework should I use? I found a few lessons, but they felt mostly outdated. Does Appium use with Travis CI viable? I found some examples of using Mocha and Chai to write tests. ( http://tech.taskrabbit.com/blog/2015/11/08/react-native-integration-tests/ this seems to be the best). I really appreciate any help you can offer.
We recently started using Detox from Wix, which allows end-to-end Serial testing for real React Native applications. It also supports CI platforms such as Travis.
I can recommend you the following integration testing tool for native reaction: Cavy
github POC, React Native e2e Detox Wix. , : https://github.com/saifsms91/DetoxAutomationPoc.
, Stackoverflow React Native:
: React Native?
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