How to handle several types of actions in one epic? Any cons of the same?

Quite new for reduction observables, rxjs and observables. I wanted to know how I can handle another action, say "ActionTwo" in the same epic

const Epic1 = (action$,store) => {
return action$.ofType('ActionOne')
 .mergeMap((action) => {
      return ajax({'method': 'GET', 'url': 'someUrl')
         .map(response => resultActoin(action.userId, response.response));


Sort of

const Epic1 = (action$){
   if('ActionOne') make a API call.
   if('ActionTwo') make some other API call.
   else do nothing.

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1 answer

Is this the same API call? If yes, ofType()accepts several types. You can just do it action$.ofType('ActionOne', 'ActionTwo').

API/URL, . "" combineEpics .:



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