Error: Could not open the zip file. The gradle dependency cache may be corrupted (this sometimes happens after a network connection timeout).

Error: Could not open the zip file. The gradle dependency cache may be corrupted (this sometimes happens after a network connection timeout.)

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
    compile 'com.parse.bolts:bolts-android:1.+'
    compile 'com.parse:parse-android:1.+'
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''
source share
3 answers

I had the same problem when I upgraded my android studio to version 2.2.3 from version 2.1. Some time later, after trying the project-> right-click → open the module settings-> project

1) Gradle: 2.14.1
2) Android- : 2.2.3
3) Android: jcenter
4) : jcenter


gradle . , gradle "C:/Users/username/.gradle/".

  • goto "C:/Users/MickeyMouse/.gradle/"
  • .
  • open android studio gradle .
  • gradle .

* , gradle - " gradle () -


, NDK Android Studio.

→ → SDK → Android NDK



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