I'm new to android, but I ended up creating a Firebase backend for the iOS app. Now I'm starting to encode a version of Android that must have access to the same Firebase firewall.
My question is ... do I need to create a new instance of Firebase for the Android backend !? I was hoping to use the same instance of Firebase that I created for the iOS app?
If you are creating a version of the Android application, you are using the same firebase project, but when you are in the console, you click Browse → Add another application → Click Android
Follow the Android setup, and all is well.
You can , and should, use the Same Firebase project. Thus, the database will be divided between iOS and Android application.
While in the Project Overview , click the gear and select the project settings , and in the settings in the general section. go to your applications tab and click Add application . then add another environment you want.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1015672/More articles:Force return from function during debugging - debuggingWaiting for a piece to load before loading more - iosVue.js and jQuery? - javascriptHow to handle local state when using a relay? - javascriptasync is waiting for a separate task at a time - multithreadingangular2 and the value of formControlName in the template - angularHow to warm up an Android device to 40 degrees through Unity? - androidUnable to use native plugin for Android for Unity - androidDifferent widths and heights from DisplayMetrics and $ (window) .width () in WebView - androidDecode QR code of image from Camera Roll React Native - javascriptAll Articles