Visual Studio 2017 Chrome JavaScript debugging - don't hit break point

I installed VS2017 and tried the new material that they added. One of the nice things is debugging chrome JS, but I can't get to the breakpoint.

I created a new .net core website (.net core 1.1) and add the following function to the site.js file

function test() {
var a = "message";

console.log(a); };

Then I add a breakpoint on the line "var = a ..."

launch a website - it opens a new chrome window and joins the process as it should. Then I press F12 and call test (), but the breakpoint does not fall into it, but is output to the console.

One thing that is also in the console window is the following message:

Browser link: Failed to call return value callback: TypeError: Unable to read property files "null"

, IE11, IE

- 57.0.2987.98 windows 10 pro ( )

site.js code

Chrome console output

, ?



  • (Windows 10 Pro) - VS2015 VS2017
  • (Windows 8.1 Pro) - VS2015 VS2017
  • - ( ) HyperV VM (Windows 8.1 Pro) - VS 2017


- is, .


F12 chrome, Chrome Dev Tools, .


, ... ... ()

(function test() {

V 63 . - , VS.


, - Visual Studio F12.

, , , VS . . MSDN



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