Lowering the application level at the application level returns an error

I have an inapp shopping app. I am moving on to automatically update inapp purchases using StoreKit. Everything works.

But when I go down from level 3 to level 1 (or from level 3 to level 2 or from level 2 to level 1), the purchase does not work with a return: "SKErrorDomain Code = 0" Cannot connect to the iTunes Store. "There are no problems with updates.

But sometimes, waiting 10-15 minutes after the first purchase, before the downgrade will work. But not always.

What I've done:

  • Use a device, not a simulator (!)
  • Sandbox tester is new and never used in production env
  • Log out of each production account from the device
  • Reorder products and save

Any idea what is going on?

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1 answer

In addition to the above comment, which I left for you, at the time of the request for this question, there was a problem with the sandbox server, so this could be a problem. See See the Answer "Refer" , and this question also asked about stackoverflow let I know if you are still experiencing problems.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1015559/

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