Android Studio - update to version 2.3 - Studio does not have write permission

I have not had this problem before. When I try to upgrade Android Studio to 2.3, I get the following:

Studio does not have write access to /private/var/folders/00/n4yy8fsx0njck05bfll1t3_w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/2D9E214E-60BE-41D9-9843-3536E011FD7E/d/Android Please run it by a privileged user to update. 

The account I was in is an administrator account, and I also tried to provide full access to this directory.

 chmod -R 777 /private/var/.... 

but nothing happened. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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7 answers

I had the same problem. Solved it by running Android studio with sudo from the command line:

 sudo /Applications/Android\ 

After the update has been downloaded, you must run the command again so that the Android studio will copy the correct files.

The next time you run Android Studio with your non-privileged user, it should be updated.


It also happened to me, but it happened because the application was not in the /Applications folder after you moved it to the right folder without any problems.


Case Android Studio is already under the Application folder, and the following command is executed on the terminal.

 sudo chmod -R 777 /Applications/Android\ 

sudo chmod -R 777 [folder for android studio]


Nothing to worry about. That's when it happens:

Cause When you have installed Android Studio as a package in the MAC OS, it is placed in the Downloads file or somewhere on the toolbar. Some of these applications do not have the appropriate permissions.

By running the sudo , this problem will be fixed once, but the next time you start / update the studio, it will still be the same.


  • Close all instances of Android Studio, if they are running.

  • Open the search box and lok for the "Applications" label in the "Favorites" section.

  • Just drag and drop the Studio package over the "Applications" (move to applications).

  • Now your problem must be solved! Run it. Update it.


The studio needs recording for all files and folders. For this, we use recursive (-R).

Try this in the terminal:

sudo chown -R username: username / opt / android studio

username is the name of your computer.


This also happens if you installed your Android studio using Homebrew Cask (by running brew cask install android-studio when brew cask install android-studio earlier).

To check if your AS has been installed using Homebrew, run the brew cask list and see if the list contains android-studio .

If this happens to update Android Studio to the latest version, just run

 brew cask upgrade android-studio 


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