Engine not found. Your build may have failed. Aborting [Predictionio]

2 answers

I encounter the same problem because I set scala.version = 2.11.8 when I create PredictionIO, but the kernel pattern that I used was created using scala 2.10.

therefore, I edit the build.sbt file in the folder with the engine and add scalaVersion := "2.11.8" , re-run the build command ( pio build --verbose ), after which all the builds complete successfully.


Check which version of scala is used in the engine build.sbt version and make sure that you use this version when creating from the source as follows:

./make-distribution.sh -Dscala.version=<PUT CORRECT SCALA VERSION HERE> -Dspark.version=2.1.0 -Delasticsearch.version=2.3.3


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1015517/

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