Scala pattern matching (try, try)

I have the following Tuple - (t1, t2): (Try, Try)

I want to check if both failed, or if one of them failed, but avoid code duplication. Sort of:

(t1,t2) match { case (Success(v1),Success(v2)) => new MyClass(v1,v2) case (Failure(e),_) | (_,Failure(e)) => println(e.getMessage) } 

Of course, the 2nd operator will not work, since I need to provide different extraction parameters. but then I have to check them out, since I don’t know what failed and actually contains Throwable. I would like Try to act like Future, so it will have Try.sequence (t1, t2).

Any idea how to make this work elegantly?

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4 answers

You can make a tail recursive call for the case (_, Failure(e)) :

 @annotation.tailrec def apply(t1: Try[Any], t2: Try[Any]): Any = (t1, t2) match { case (Success(v1), Success(v2)) => new MyClass(v1,v2) case (Failure(e), _) => println(e.getMessage) case _ => apply(t2, t1) } 

Cats lets you do it elegantly. For any F[_]: Traverse and G[_]: Applicative it defines the equivalent of Future.sequence :

 def sequence(fa: F[G[A]]): G[F[A]] 

The library also provides window instances for Try . Further reading in the workaround .


You can convert it to Try[MyClass] as follows:

 val myclass = for { v1 <- t1 v2 <- t2 } yield new MyClass(v1, v2) 

If t1 fails or t1 and t2 fail, either myclass will myclass with an Exception for t1 . If only t2 failed, myclass will myclass with an Exception for t2 . Otherwise, myclass will be Success . Then you can process it using recover or something else.


You can extract the local method:

 def onFail(e: Throwable) = println(e.getMessage) (t1,t2) match { case (Success(v1),Success(v2)) => new MyClass(v1,v2) case (Failure(e),_) => onFail(e) case (_,Failure(e)) => onFail(e) } 

I would prefer the first OlivierBlanvillain sentence simply because it was easier to see that you cannot get an infinite loop.


Instead of using Try, why not use Scalactic Or and Every ? So you can write something like this

 val o1 = Or.from(t1) val o2 = Or.from(t2) withGood(o1, o2){(x, y) => { //do what you want to do if both are good (or Success in Try) }}.recover{ //do what you want to do if either one is bad (or Failure in Try) } 

PS: I am not associated with the library.



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