I have an Android project created by Android Studio 2.2.3 under Windows 10, this project uses the native library through the jar shell (via JNI). Own library was built outside of Android Studio by qmake, which will use GCC 4.9 in Android NDK r13b to generate its own shared library, the code was compiled with -g
To use this native library, I put the jar- <proj_path>/app/libs
shells in <proj_path>/app/libs
and the native library in <proj_path>/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a
, everything works fine , I can successfully call the Method implemented in the native library from Java code.
The problem is that when I debug this android project, the breakpoint that I set in the cpp file does not take effect, please note that the cpp file is not in the source tree of the android project, I just open it from android studio . I installed the latest version of LLDB and run debugging with the debug type "Hybrid". I also use the "list list" command with the image to confirm that the original library image loaded during debugging is a non-markup version. But the breakpoint will not be reached.
What is wrong with my configuration?
Can anyone give me some suggestion?
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