Which one is safer to use? uuid, binascii.hexlify (os.urandom ()) or random.SystemRandom ()?

I want to create unique <client-key> and <client-secret> for users who register for the service.

So, I searched the same and came up with the following options:

This is a stupid question, but I want to know which implementation is safer to use (with the right explanation)? What for? And what are the advantages of using it over others?


AFAIK, random.SystemRandom() uses os.urandom(x) . Therefore, the comparison is mainly done between uuid and random.SystemRandom() .

Here is what I have tried so far:


 import random temp = random.SystemRandom() random_seq = ''.join(temp.choice(CHARACTER_SET) for x in range(x)) >>> 'wkdnP3EWxtEQWnB5XhqgNOr5RKL533vO7A40hsin' 


 import uuid str(uuid.uuid4()) >>> 'f26155d6-fa3d-4206-8e48-afe15f26048b' 

I am not sure about the solution. So any help would be appreciated.

PS It would be great if any solution were available for both Python 2.x and 3.x.

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1 answer

It does not matter, they all use os.urandom both Python 3 and uuid4 just create a new UUID , passing 16 random bytes to it :

 def uuid4(): """Generate a random UUID.""" return UUID(bytes=os.urandom(16), version=4) 

therefore, in terms of how randomness is generated, they are no different.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1015438/

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