Angular 2 ng Elvis Operator Analysis Error Model

Hi guys, I'm trying to do two-way binding in AngularJs and I got this error

Parser Error: The '?.' operator cannot be used in the assignment at column 48 in [data.insObj.static['AHV,IV,EO']?.employerShare=$event] 

and my ngModel looks like this:


how can i fix this?

enter image description here

enter image description here


I have this code

 <input type="text" class="form-control" id="employerShare" name="data.insObj.static['AHV,IV,EO'].employerShare" placeholder="5.125%" [ngModel]="data.insObj.stat['AHV,IV,EO']?.employerShare" (ngModelChange)="data.insObj.static['AHV,IV,EO'].employerShare = $event"> 

when i change the input field it causes an error

Unable to read property "AHV, IV, EO" undefined

I convert this from an object to an array from this component as = response.body.static; = this.convertObj(response.body.static); 

and my function that converts it to an array looks like this:

 public convertObj(obj) { var custObj = []; var array = $.map(obj, function (value, index) { custObj[index] = value; }); return custObj; } 

Can you help me here why falls in ngModelChange

 "static": { "AHV,IV,EO": { "id": 19, "employerShare": "0.05125", "employeeShare": "0.05125", "numberOfCompensationFound": "123.456", "insuranceNumber": "278.12312.123.456", "insuranceName": null, "man": null, "woman": null, "customerNumber": null, "subNumber": null, "contractNumber": null, "upperLimit": null, "isSuva": null, "dateOfContribution": "2017-03-02T08:30:01.095Z", "yearOfContribution": 2017, "createdAt": "2017-03-02T08:30:01.095Z", "updatedAt": "2017-03-06T11:02:22.323Z", "insuranceContributionHeaderId": 11, "companyId": 12, "": 11, "insuranceContributionHeader.insuranceName": "AHV,IV,EO", "insuranceContributionHeader.isFixed": true }, 
source share
2 answers

You need to split the two-way binding to one message and one event:

 [ngModel]="data?.insObj?.static && data.insObj.static['AHV,IV,EO']?.employerShare" (ngModelChange)="data.insObj.static['AHV,IV,EO'] && data.insObj.static['AHV,IV,EO'].employerShare = $event" 

Try using *ngIf in the input:

 <input type="text" *ngIf="employerShare in data.insObj.static['AHV,IV,EO']" [(ngModel)]="data.insObj.static['AHV,IV,EO'].employerShare" 


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