I wrote a method using Java threads that just iterates over a list of objects and returns true / false, a certain condition is met
Java Method:
boolean method(SampleObj sampleObj) {
List testList = invokeSomeMethod();
int result = testList
.filter(listObj -> (listObj.getAttr() = 1))
.count(listObj -> listObj.isAttr4());
return (result > 10);
I wrote a Mock test case for the same. When I run the test case, the test succeeds, however I get a project design error of the project, indicating that all created threads have not been disabled.
I even tried using a stream with try-with resources so noo didn't help.
Mock Test:
public void testSomeMethod() {
SampleObj sampleObj1 = new SampleObj(10, 20, 30, true);
SampleObj sampleObj2 = new SampleObj(10, 20, 30, true);
SampleObj sampleObj3 = new SampleObj(10, 20, 30, false);
SampleObj sampleObjTest = new SampleObj(10, 20, 30, true);
List<SampleObj> testList = new ArrayList<SampleObj>();
ClassToBeTested classTest = createGenericMockRules();
PS I debugged to confirm that invokingSomeMethod () returns my mocked testList.
As far as I know, Java threads internally close the threads it creates. Am I implementing it wrong?