SphroJS response to command synchronization was lost by OSX

I ran into problems with the npm spherojs package, where OSX cannot get a response from BB8 after issuing the command:

Unhandled rejection Error: Command sync response was lost. at Sphero.handler (/Users/shah/projects/node/ai8/node_modules/sphero/lib/sphero.js:252:21) From previous event: at Sphero.command (/Users/shah/projects/node/ai8/node_modules/sphero/lib/sphero.js:180:10) at Sphero.device.setRgbLed (/Users/shah/projects/node/ai8/node_modules/sphero/lib/devices/sphero.js:369:12) at Sphero.device.color (/Users/shah/projects/node/ai8/node_modules/sphero/lib/devices/custom.js:168:19) at file:///Users/shah/projects/node/ai8/js/orb.js:7:7[0m 

My current environment:

 ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.11.6 BuildVersion: 15G31 node -v v6.9.5 npm -v 3.10.10 system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType | sed -n "/Apple Bluetooth Software Version\:/,/Manufacturer\:/p" | tr -s " [\n]" "[ ]" | sed "s:.*Address\: ::g" | sed "s: Manufacturer\:.*::g" | grep "[[:graph:]]" 80-E6-50-1B-50-31 Bluetooth Low Energy Supported: Yes Handoff Supported: Yes Instant Hot Spot Supported: Yes 

Any ideas that may be causing this, the Nodejs application can connect to the droid and send the command, the command is executed, and then the connection to bb8 is lost when the Nodejs application does not receive a response for the synchronization command.

Thank you in advance for your details!

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1015323/

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