In Javascript (V8), why does forEach on an array consume much more memory than a simple loop?

I am doing some simple data validation on a large dataset in Node.js (version v7.5.0 with a matrix of 15849x12771 entries). The entire dataset is currently in memory for performance reasons. Therefore, it is important for me to reduce the amount of memory consumed to a theoretical minimum (each number representing 8 bytes in JS).

Please compare the following ways to achieve the same.

with forEach

  regressData.forEach((yxa, yxaIndex) => { yxa.forEach((yx, yxIndex) => { if (!_.isFinite(yx)) { throw new Error(`non-finite entry at [${yxaIndex}, ${yxIndex}]`); } }); }); 

This consumes all the memory of my 4GB + node process, forcing it to never (until my patience is over) still end the loop (I assume it will use a slower swap memory).

And then an identical version with typical for :

  for (var yxai = 0, yxal = regressData.length; yxai < yxal; yxai++) { const yx = regressData[yxai]; for (var yxi = 0, yxl = yx.length; yxi < yxl; yxi++) { if (!_.isFinite(yx[yxi])) { throw new Error(`non-finite entry at [${yxai}, ${yxi}]`); } } } 

This consumes virtually no additional memory, forcing you to check in less than a second.

Is this behavior expected? I expected that since forEach has closed areas, there would be no problem with extra memory usage compared to the traditional for loop.

EDIT: standalone test

node --expose-gc test_foreach.js

 if (!gc) throw new Error('please run node like node --expose-gc test_foreach.js'); const _ = require('lodash'); // prepare data to work with const x = 15849; const y = 12771; let regressData = new Array(x); for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) { regressData[i] = new Array(y); for (var j = 0; j < y; j++) { regressData[i][j] = _.random(true); } } // for loop gc(); const mb_pre_for = _.round(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024, 2); console.log(`memory consumption before for loop ${mb_pre_for} megabyte`); validateFor(regressData); gc(); const mb_post_for = _.round(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024, 2); const mb_for = _.round(mb_post_for - mb_pre_for, 2); console.log(`memory consumption by for loop ${mb_for} megabyte`); // for each loop gc(); const mb_pre_foreach = _.round(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024, 2); console.log(`memory consumption before foreach loop ${mb_pre_foreach} megabyte`); validateForEach(regressData); gc(); const mb_post_foreach = _.round(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024, 2); const mb_foreach = _.round(mb_post_foreach - mb_pre_foreach, 2); console.log(`memory consumption by foreach loop ${mb_foreach} megabyte`); function validateFor(regressData) { for (var yxai = 0, yxal = regressData.length; yxai < yxal; yxai++) { const yx = regressData[yxai]; for (var yxi = 0, yxl = yx.length; yxi < yxl; yxi++) { if (!_.isFinite(yx[yxi])) { throw new Error(`non-finite entry at [${yxai}, ${yxi}]`); } } } }; function validateForEach(regressData) { regressData.forEach((yxa, yxaIndex) => { yxa.forEach((yx, yxIndex) => { if (!_.isFinite(yx)) { throw new Error(`non-finite entry at [${yxaIndex}, ${yxIndex}]`); } }); }); }; 


 toms-mbp-2:mem_test tommedema$ node --expose-gc test_foreach.js memory consumption before for loop 1549.31 megabyte memory consumption by for loop 0.31 megabyte memory consumption before foreach loop 1549.66 megabyte memory consumption by foreach loop 3087.9 megabyte 
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1 answer

(V8 developer here). This is an unfortunate consequence of how Array.forEach implemented in the old V8 execution pipeline (full code + crankshaft). In short, what happens is that under some circumstances using forEach in an array changes the internal representation of that array to a much less efficient memory format. (In particular: if earlier the array contained only double values, and forEach also used on arrays with elements of other types, but not too many different types of objects, and the code worked hot enough to be optimized. -))

With the new execution pipeline (currently behind the --future flag will be enabled by default soon), I no longer see this extra memory.

(However, classic for loops tend to have a slight performance advantage over forEach , simply because less is less under the hood (according to the ES specification). In many real loads, the difference is too small but in microobjects this is often seen. Perhaps we can optimize more forEach overheads in the future, but in cases where you know that each CPU cycle matters, I recommend using the plain old for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) loops for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) .)



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