Working with heavy runtime profiling in C ++

I am currently working on a scientific computing project with huge data and complex algorithms, so I need to do a lot of code profiling. Currently, I rely on <ctime>and clock_ton the runtime of my code. I am completely satisfied with this solution ... except that I basically synchronize everything, and therefore for each line of real code I have to call start_time_function123 = clock(), end_time_function123 = clock()and cout << "function123 execution time: " << (end_time_function123-start_time_function123) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl. This leads to heavy code bloat and quickly makes my code unreadable. How do you handle this?

The only solution I can think of is to find an IDE that allows me to mark parts of my code (in different places, even in different files), and toggle the hide / show all marked codes with one button. This would allow me to hide the part of my code related to profiling most of the time, and display it only when I want.

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2 answers

Have an RAII type that marks the code as time.

struct timed {
  char const* name;
  clock_t start;
  timed( char const* name_to_record):
    auto end=clock();
    std::cout << name << " execution time: " << (end-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << std::endl;

Use him:

void foo(){
  timed timer(__func__);
  // code

Far less noise.

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