OpenCL / C pow (x, 0.5)! = Sqrt (x)

I think I'm in some really strange case with a border, maybe with double precision problems, and I want to know what is going on.

Inside the OpenCL kernel, I use:

#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable __private int k = 2; // I need k to be an int, because I want to use as a counter __private double s = 18; __private double a = 1; a = a/(double)k; // just to show, that I make in-place typecasting of k a = k+1; k = (int)a; //to show that I store k in a double buffer in an intermediate-step if ((k-1)==2) { // k = 3; s = pow(s/(double)(k-1),0.5); } 

This leads me to s = 2.999[...]6 However, if I uncomment the line k=3 , I get (in my eyes) the correct result s = 3 . Why is this?

As additional information: the same behavior does not occur when I do

 s = sqrt(s/(double)(k-1)) 

Following is the complete, minimum kernel and host code for pyopencl

Kernel (

 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable __kernel void init_z(__global double * buffer) { __private int x = get_global_id(0); __private int y = get_global_id(1); //w,h __private int w_y = get_global_size(1); __private int address = x*w_y+y; //h,w __private double init = 3.0; buffer[address]=init; } __kernel void root(__global double * buffer) { __private int x = get_global_id(0); __private int y = get_global_id(1); //w,h __private int w_y = get_global_size(1); __private int address = x*w_y+y; //h,w __private double value = 18; __private int k; __private double out; k = (int) buffer[address]; //k = 3; If this line is uncommented, the result will be exact. out = pow(value/(double)(k-1), 0.5); buffer[address] = out; } 


 import pyopencl as cl import numpy as np platform = cl.get_platforms()[0] devs = platform.get_devices() device1 = devs[1] h_buffer = np.empty((10,10)).astype(np.float64) mf = cl.mem_flags ctx = cl.Context([device1]) Queue1 = cl.CommandQueue(ctx,properties=cl.command_queue_properties.PROFILING_ENABLE) Queue2 = cl.CommandQueue(ctx,properties=cl.command_queue_properties.PROFILING_ENABLE) mf = cl.mem_flags m_dic = {0:mf.READ_ONLY,1:mf.WRITE_ONLY,2:mf.READ_WRITE} fi = open('', 'r') fstr = "".join(fi.readlines()) prg = cl.Program(ctx, fstr).build() knl = prg.init_z knl.set_scalar_arg_dtypes([None,]) knl_root = prg.root knl_root.set_scalar_arg_dtypes([None,]) def f(): d_buffer = cl.Buffer(ctx,m_dic[2], int(10 * 10 * 8)) knl.set_args(d_buffer) knl_root.set_args(d_buffer) a = cl.enqueue_nd_range_kernel(Queue2,knl,(10,10),None) b = cl.enqueue_nd_range_kernel(Queue2,knl_root,(10,10),None, wait_for = [a,]) cl.enqueue_copy(Queue1,h_buffer,d_buffer,wait_for=[b,]) return h_buffer a = f() a[0,0] # Getting the result on the host. 

Edit: Due to some still unclear, I am updating this question again. I understand that the values โ€‹โ€‹of pow and sqrt need not be the same for the same input. My question is why pow shows different output for SAME input, depending on where I get it from.

The binaries are on the pastebine: k_explicit and k_read

printf("a%\n", out) results in 0x1.8p+1 with line k=3 and 0x1.7ffffffffffffp+1 when it is commenting.

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2 answers

So, after many discussions, this is not like my code. The behavior seems to be hardware dependent and is currently only available for Nvidia Hardware. I'm still interested in the why and how, but in this case the answer to the question.


Floating-point calculations are not accurate. Therefore, using one algorithm ( sqrt ) and another ( pow() ) with the same inputs cannot produce bit-like results. If both results are within ยฑ epsilon of the mathematically true value, then both implementations are acceptable.

As a rule, pow() is implemented in terms of ln() and exp() (with multiplication between them), while sqrt() can use a much faster implementation (which probably includes reducing half the mantissa as a first step) .



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