OTA for Android Things

How to update preview of Android Things 1 with preview 2? Is there an automatic OTA or is it not right now, so I need to put out an SD card (from my Raspberry Pi)?

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2 answers


OTA is currently unavailable. You need to download the preview of 2 binary files manually and execute the flash file on the SDCard.

EDIT2: (2017 June 30)

OTA is now available using the androidthing console .

For automatic OTA updates, you need to create a factory image, then download it and put it on your SD card / board. This happens the next time there is an OS / security update. Updates will be downloaded and installed automatically. You can also update your applications from the console. See the image below and contact for more information.

Enable Auto Update and Build O


In IO 2017, it was indicated that OTA updates would be available through the IoT Developer Console. However, now I believe, because in the preview of the developer these functions are not available.


The IoT Developer Console is the best place to develop Android Things or Weave on your devices.

More info in the docs, as always: https://developers.google.com/iot/dev-console/


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1015114/

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