How can I initialize a Reactive Angular2 form using Observable?

My plan is to store the form values ​​in my ngrx store, to allow my users to navigate the site and return to the form if they so wish. The idea would be that form values ​​would be populated from the store using the observable.

this is how i am doing it now:

constructor(private store: Store<AppState>, private fb: FormBuilder) { this.images = images; this.recipe$ =; this.recipe$.subscribe(recipe => this.recipe = recipe); // console.log() => undefined this.recipeForm ={ foodName: [], // also tried with an OR: ( || '') description: [this.recipe.description] }) } 

The repository is given the initial value that I saw through my selection function correctly, but by the time my form was created, I did not think that this value had returned. Therefore this.recipe is still undefined.

Is this the wrong approach, or can I somehow make sure that the observable returns before the form is created?

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2 answers

I can imagine two options ...

Option 1:

Use * ngIf in html, which displays a form similar to

 <form *ngIf="this.recipe">...</form> 

Option 2: Use async in the template and create your model as follows:


 model: Observable<FormGroup>; ... this.model = .startWith(someDefaultValue) .map((recipe: Recipe) => { return{ foodName: [], description: [recipe.description] }) }) 


 <app-my-form [model]="(model | async)"></app-my-form> 

You will need to consider how to handle updates for the repository and the current model.


Although adding another layer may seem more complicated, it’s much easier to deal with observables by dividing one component into two: the container component and the presentation component.

The container component deals only with observables, and not with representation. Data from any observables is passed to the view component through the @Input properties and the async pipe is used:

 @Component({ selector: "recipe-container", template: `<recipe-component [recipe]="recipe$ | async"></recipe-component>` }) export class RecipeContainer { public recipe$: Observable<any>; constructor(private store: Store<AppState>) { this.recipe$ =; } } 

The presented component receives simple properties and does not deal with observables:

 @Component({ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, selector: "recipe-component", template: `...` }) export class RecipeComponent { public recipeForm: FormGroup; constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) { this.recipeForm ={ foodName: [""], description: [""] }); } @Input() set recipe(value: any) { this.recipeForm.patchValue({ foodName:, description: value.description }); } } 

The concept of using container and presentation components is a general Redux concept and is explained in presentation and container components .



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