Add data inside documents in Mongo DB using PHP

I want to insert data into a Mongo database using a PHP script, in year wise documents, so that it looks like this (all years in one document);

 cars{ 2017{ car=Motorolla color = blue } 2016{ car=Toyota color = green } 2015{ car=Corolla color = black } } 

I wanted to add a document, but it asks

The document cannot have $ prefix field names: $ years [0]

Is it possible to make such a scheme in Mongo using PHP?

the code

 <?php try { $car = 'Motorolla'; $color = 'blue'; //$car = 'Toyota'; //$color = 'green'; //$car = 'Corolla'; //$color = 'black'; $years = array(2017, 2016, 2015); $manager = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017"); $bulkWriteManager = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite; $document = ['_id' => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID, '$years[0]' => $car, '$years[1]' => $color]; // Making a query type try { $bulkWriteManager->insert($document); // Inserting Document echo 1; } catch(MongoCursorException $e) { /* handle the exception */ echo 0; } $manager->executeBulkWrite('dbName.carsCol', $bulkWriteManager); // Going to DB and Collection } catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) { $filename = basename(__FILE__); echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; echo "It failed with the following exception:\n"; echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } ?> 

I do not want to immediately add the entire vehicle object. I want to add a Year object every time. Any help would be noticeable. OR Any relative answer so that I can get data from Mongo database depending on the year?


To create the first time. - Credits are sent to @Veeram

 <?php try { $car = 'Malibu'; $color = 'red'; $years = array(2017); $manager = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017"); $bulkWriteManager = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite; //{"car":"chevy", "color":"black", year: 2017} $insert = ['car' => $car, 'color' => $color, 'year' => $years[0]]; try { $bulkWriteManager -> insert($insert); // Inserting Document echo 1; } catch (MongoCursorException $e) { echo 0; } $manager->executeBulkWrite('dbName.mycol', $bulkWriteManager); // Going to DB and Collection } catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) { $filename = basename(__FILE__); echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; echo "It failed with the following exception:\n"; echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n"; echo "In file:", $e->getFile(), "\n"; echo "On line:", $e->getLine(), "\n"; } ?> 

To update - loans go to @Veeram

 <?php try { $car = 'ChangedCar'; $color = 'changedColor'; $years = array(2017); $manager = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017"); $bulkWriteManager = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite; $query = ['cars.year' => $years[0]]; //{ $push: { "cars.$.data": { "car":"chevy", "color":"black"} }} $update = ['$push'=> ['cars.$.data'=>['car' => $car, 'color' => $color]]]; try { $bulkWriteManager->update($query, $update); // Inserting Document } catch(MongoCursorException $e) { } $manager->executeBulkWrite('dbName.mycol', $bulkWriteManager); // Going to DB and Collection } catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) { $filename = basename(__FILE__); echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; echo "It failed with the following exception:\n"; echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } ?> 

The problem with this code is that it successfully inserts data for the first time, but when I update the data, they do not update it.

Example: There is a document called cars . Paste the data with the year object into one document. Let them say that the object is 2017, it contains a model of color and a car. As shown below; (Several objects over the years. The year is unique throughout the document.)

 cars{ 2017{ car=Motorolla color = blue } 2016{ car=Toyota color = green } 2015{ car=Corolla color = black } } 

If I want to update, just make the object 2017 as 2017{car=Updated-Motorolla color =Updated-blue} and paste it into the document. It should only update the 2017 object aside from the document.

  cars{ 2017{ car=Updated-Motorolla color =Updated-blue } 2016{ car=Toyota color = green } 2015{ car=Corolla color = black } } 
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2 answers

You can try something like this. It is not possible to perform all Mongo db operations based only on the key value.

The first solution is written to stay close to the OP design.

Assuming you can add a key to year .

 { "cars": [{ "year": "2017", "data": [{ "car": "Motorolla", "color": "blue" }] }, { "year": "2016", "data": [{ "car": "Toyota", "color": "green" }] }] } 

Allows you to easily refer to the year by its value.

For example, to add a new value to the data array for year 2017. You can try the code below.

Uses the update positional $ operator.

query to reference the array in which the 2017 record is stored.

update , using push to add a new car entry to the existing data array for row 2017 .

 <?php try { $car = 'Malibu'; $color = 'blue'; $years = [2017]; $manager = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017"); $bulkWriteManager = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite; //{"cars.year":2017} $query = ['cars.year' => $years[0]]; //{ $push: { "cars.$.data": { "car":"chevy", "color":"black"} }} $update = ['$push'=> ['cars.$.data'=>['car' => $car, 'color' => $color]]]; try { $bulkWriteManager->update($query, $update); // Update Document echo 1; } catch(MongoCursorException $e) { /* handle the exception */ echo 0; } $manager->executeBulkWrite('dbName.carsCol', $bulkWriteManager); // Going to DB and Collection } catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) { $filename = basename(__FILE__); echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; echo "It failed with the following exception:\n"; echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } ?> 

To access the data by year, you can complete the request below.

Use positional $ query to find the index of the array using the query part and a reference to this value in the projection part.

 db.collection.find({"cars.year":2017}, {"cars.$.data":1}); 

Alternative solution:

This will take care of everything as soon as it inserts

You better keep a record of each car in your own document.

 { "year" : 2017, "car" : "Motorolla", "color" : "blue" } { "year" : 2016, "car" : "Toyota", "color" : "green" } { "year" : 2015, "car" : "Corolla", "color" : "black" } 

For each entry you can use:

 db.collection.insert({"year":2017, "car":"Motorolla", "color":"blue"}); 

PHP code:

  //{"car":"chevy", "color":"black", year: 2017} $insert = ['car' => $car, 'color' => $color, 'year' => $years[0]]; try { $bulkWriteManager - > insert($insert); // Inserting Document echo 1; } catch (MongoCursorException $e) { /* handle the exception */ echo 0; } 

To access data for the year you can use


Updated PHP code:

 <?php try { $cars = ['Motorolla','Toyota', 'Corolla'] ; $colors = ['blue', 'green', 'black']; $years = [2017, 2016, 2015]; $manager = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017"); $bulkWriteManager = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite; $query1 =["year" => $years[0]]; $query2 =["year" => $years[1]]; $query3 =["year" => $years[2]]; $update1 = ['$set' => ['car' => $cars[0], 'color' => $colors[0]]]; $update2 = ['$set' => ['car' => $cars[1], 'color' => $colors[1]]]; $update3 = ['$set' => ['car' => $cars[2], 'color' => $colors[2]]]; try { $bulkWriteManager->update($query1, $update1, ["upsert" => true]); $bulkWriteManager->update($query2, $update2, ["upsert" => true]); $bulkWriteManager->update($query3, $update3, ["upsert" => true]); echo 1; } catch(MongoCursorException $e) { /* handle the exception */ echo 0; } $manager->executeBulkWrite('dbName.carsCol', $bulkWriteManager); // Going to DB and Collection } catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) { $filename = basename(__FILE__); echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; echo "It failed with the following exception:\n"; echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } ?> 

You can perform complex queries using the aggregation pipeline, and you can add an index to respond faster.


First decision . It is more difficult to update / insert data, but all this makes reading data easier.

Second solution : It’s cleaner and easier to perform CRUD operations on documents and use the aggregation pipeline to create complex queries.


Try to change

 $document = ['_id' => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID, '$years[0]' => $car, '$years[1]' => $color]; 

to something like:

 $document = ['_id' => new \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID, $years[0] => ['car' => $car, 'color' => $color]]; 

he gives this result in mango:

 { "_id" : ObjectId("58a936ecfc11985f525a4582"), "2017" : { "car" : "Motorolla", "color" : "blue" } 

If data on all cars should be in one document, you need to combine fitst data:

 $cars = [ '2017' => [ 'car' => 'Motorolla', 'color' => 'blue' ], '2016' => [ 'car' => 'Toyota', 'color' => 'green' ], '2015' => [ 'car' => 'Corolla', 'color' => 'black' ] ]; 

and than

 $document = ['_id' => new \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID, 'cars' => $cars]; 

This gives mongo document like:

 { "_id" : ObjectId("58aabc0cfc11980f57611832"), "cars" : { "2017" : { "car" : "Motorolla", "color" : "blue" }, "2016" : { "car" : "Toyota", "color" : "green" }, "2015" : { "car" : "Corolla", "color" : "black" } } } 


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