I tried using (pandas) pd.ols and (statsmodels) sm.ols to get a regression scatter plot with a regression line, I can get a scatter plot, but I can't get the parameters to get the regression line to the plot. It's probably obvious that I'm doing some coding here :-( (using this as a guide: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/weecology/progbio/blob/master/ipynbs/statistics.ipynb
My data is in the DataFrame panda, and the column x is merged2 [: -1]. Lastqu, and the data column y is concatenated2 [: -1]. Units Now my code looks like this: to get regression:
def fit_line2(x, y): X = sm.add_constant(x, prepend=True)
^^^^ seems to be normal
intercept, slope = model.params << I don't think this is quite right plt.plot(merged2[:-1].lastqu,merged2[:-1].Units, 'bo') plt.hold(True)
^^^^^ this gives a scatter plot **** and below does not give me a regression line
x = np.array([min(merged2[:-1].lastqu), max(merged2[:-1].lastqu)]) y = intercept + slope * x plt.plot(x, y, 'r-') plt.show()
Dataframe fragment: [: -1] removes the current period from the data, which will subsequently be a projection
Units lastqu Uperchg lqperchg fcast errpercent nfcast date 2000-12-31 7177 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2001-12-31 10694 2195.000000 0.490038 NaN 10658.719019 1.003310 NaN 2002-12-31 11725 2469.000000
I found that I could do:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) fig = sm.graphics.plot_regress_exog(model, "lastqu", fig=fig)
as described here in the Statsmodels document, which seems to give the main thing that I wanted (and even more), I would still like to know where I made a mistake in the previous code!