Recursive entity specification

I did not find any example of how to make a recursive specification of an entity, as I try below. I understand that ::leftand ::rightfail because they are not defined yet, so I'm wondering how I can recursively define them in the spec ::node.

(s/def ::key string?)
(s/def ::value string?)
(s/def ::left ::node)
(s/def ::right ::node)
(s/def ::n int?)
(s/def ::node (s/keys :req [::key ::value ::n]
                      :opt [::left ::right]))

(defn test-it []
  (s/valid? ::node
            {::key "hi"
             ::value "bye"
             ::n 0
             ::left {::key "what"
                     ::value "nothing"
                     ::n 0}
             ::right {::key "hello"
                      ::value "goodbye"
                      ::n 0}
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3 answers

This works if you have moved the definition ::leftand ::rightbelow ::node, as suggested by Sam Estep in comments to the subject; references in s/keyswill not be immediately executed:

Clojure 1.9.0-alpha14
user=> (require '[clojure.spec :as s])
user=> (s/def ::key string?)
user=> (s/def ::value string?)
user=> (s/def ::n int?)
(s/def ::node (s/keys :req [::key ::value ::n]
                      :opt [::left ::right]))
user=> (s/def ::left ::node)
user=> (s/def ::right ::node)
(defn test-it []
  (s/valid? ::node
            {::key "hi"
             ::value "bye"
             ::n 0
             ::left {::key "what"
                     ::value "nothing"
                     ::n 0}
             ::right {::key "hello"
                      ::value "goodbye"
                      ::n 0}
user=> (test-it)
user=> (s/valid? ::node {::key "hi" ::value "bye" ::n 0 ::left {}})

def s, s/def ... , (s/def ::a ::b), ::b ::a.

, s/def, MichaΕ‚, (s/and):

(s/def ::key string?)
(s/def ::value string?)
(s/def ::left (s/and ::node))
(s/def ::right (s/and ::node))
(s/def ::n int?)
(s/def ::node (s/keys :req [::key ::value ::n]
                      :opt [::left ::right]))

(defn test-it []
  (s/valid? ::node
            {::key "hi"
             ::value "bye"
             ::n 0
             ::left {::key "what"
                     ::value "nothing"
                     ::n 0}
             ::right {::key "hello"
                      ::value "goodbye"
                      ::n 0}

, , , , , , , , "" , .

, , - ::children, ( ) ::node s.

(s/def ::key string?)
(s/def ::value string?)
(s/def ::n int?)

(s/def ::node (s/keys :req [::key ::value ::n]))
(s/def ::children (s/coll-of ::node :count 2))
;; for 1 or 2 children:   (s/coll-of ::node :min-count 1 :max-count 2)

(s/valid? ::node
  {::key "parent-1" ::value "parent-1" ::n 1
   ::children [{::key "leaf-1" ::value "leaf-1" ::n 2}
               {::key "parent-2" ::value "parent-2" ::n 3
                ::children [{::key "leaf-2" ::value "leaf-2" ::n 4}
                            {::key "leaf-3" ::value "leaf-3" ::n 5}]}]})

, , , node.

, , :

(s/def ::node (s/or :parent (s/coll-of ::node :count 2)
                    :leaf (s/tuple ::key ::value ::n)))

(s/valid? ::node
  [[[["a" "a" 1]
     ["b" "b" 2]]
    ["c" "c" 3]]
   ["d" "d" 4]])

, , (, , ). , , "", , , , , .



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