Any way to reach the google appengine multi-region?

I use the standard App Engine environment.

I am allowed to choose one region to create a project.

enter image description here

Suppose the clients of my application are world wide (America, Europe, Asia), and all of them are equally important.

The difference in delays is significant (I'm in Europe now, a simple sample of the Hello world page is ~ 200 ms, if I choose us, the central region and ~ 080 ms, if I choose the Europe region).

Any way to achieve multi-user experience on appengine? Can I easily switch to GKE or smth to archive this?

It's nice to hear any theoretical explanations - comments on the multi-user service.

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1 answer

I don’t know enough about App Engine or Flex Engine Environment to find out if you can run the same application in several regions and the load balance between them, but I know that you can do multi-user service from GKE or GCE using HTTP ( S) load balancing .

You can easily move from a flexible App Engine to GKE environment, as they both use Docker containers to deploy your application.



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