Webpack 2: WARNING in .png, .svg, .. DEPRECATED. Configure the optipng optimLevel option in your own options. (Optipng.optimizationLevel)

This WARNING prints ~ 20 times when you start webpack - it processes and binds just fine, but what does it mean? How can I get rid of it?

A trip to search engines practically does not help, unfortunately.

Here is my webpack configuration:

 const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin"); var webpack = require("webpack"); module.exports = { entry: { dashboard: './js/main.js', vendor: ["fixed-data-table","react","react-dom","jquery", "bootstrap", "vis",], }, output: { path: "../public", filename: 'bundle.js' }, plugins: [ new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({name: "vendor", filename: "static/vendor.bundle.js"}), new ExtractTextPlugin("/static/[name].css"), new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ $: "jquery", jQuery: "jquery" }), ], module: { loaders: [ { test: /.js?$/, loader: 'babel-loader', exclude: /node_modules/, query: { presets: [ 'es2015', 'react', 'stage-0', ], } }, { test: /\.css$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({ fallback: 'style-loader', use: 'css-loader'}), }, { test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$/i, loaders: [ 'file-loader?hash=sha512&digest=hex&name=~/.local/share/Trash/[hash].[ext]', 'image-webpack-loader?bypassOnDebug&optimizationLevel=7&interlaced=false', { loader: 'image-webpack-loader', } ], }, { test: /\.(eot|svg|ttf|woff|woff2)$/, loader: 'file-loader?name=~/.local/share/Trash/[name].[ext]' } ] }, }; 

Example of WARNINGS (there are many!)

 WARNING in ./~/vis/dist/img/network/addNodeIcon.png DEPRECATED. Configure gifsicle interlaced option in it own options. (gifsicle.interlaced) @ ./~/css-loader!./~/vis/dist/vis.min.css 6:12847-12887 @ ./~/vis/dist/vis.min.css WARNING in ./~/bootstrap/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg DEPRECATED. Configure gifsicle interlaced option in it own options. (gifsicle.interlaced) @ ./~/css-loader!./~/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css 6:3700-3752 @ ./~/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css 
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5 answers

Now you need to specify your parameters for a specific optimizer. therefore, the previous webpack 1.x bootloader configurator, for example:

 loaders: [ 'file-loader?name=assets/[name].[ext]', 'image-webpack-loader?progressive=true&optimizationLevel=7&interlaced=true' ] 


  use: [ { loader: 'file-loader', options: { query: { name:'assets/[name].[ext]' } } }, { loader: 'image-webpack-loader', options: { query: { mozjpeg: { progressive: true, }, gifsicle: { interlaced: true, }, optipng: { optimizationLevel: 7, } } } }] 

Notice the options object, with the query embedded inside it.

See https://webpack.js.org/guides/migrating/ and also deltones comments in this release; https://github.com/tcoopman/image-webpack-loader/issues/68#issuecomment-275848595


None of the above worked for me, taking inspiration from the official webpack2 configuration example https://github.com/tcoopman/image-webpack-loader/blob/master/test/webpack2.config.js , this is what worked for me

  { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)$/, use: [ { loader: 'file-loader', options: { // path where the images will be saved name: 'assets/img/[name].[ext]' } }, { loader: 'image-webpack-loader', options: { mozjpeg: { quality: 65 }, pngquant:{ quality: "10-20", speed: 4 }, svgo:{ plugins: [ { removeViewBox: false }, { removeEmptyAttrs: false } ] }, gifsicle: { optimizationLevel: 7, interlaced: false }, optipng: { optimizationLevel: 7, interlaced: false } } } ] } 

Webpack 2 now supports the syntax "request object", that is, you can make a separete object for request parameters. Here's how image-webpack-loader recommends in their documentation . I updated it with the latest webpack 2 naming standards:

 rules: [ // rules is formerly "loaders" in webpack 1 { test: /\.(svg|jpe?g|png|gif|ico)(\?{0}(?=\?|$))/, use: [ // use is formerly "loaders" in webpack 1 // file-loader has a bug where it doesn't yet recognize query object // syntax for webpack 2, so the query options `assets/images/[name].[ext]` // are ignored until they fix that, // { // loader: 'file', // query: { // name: 'assets/images/[name].[ext]' // } //}, 'file?name=assets/images/[name].[ext]', // or just 'file-loader' { loader: 'image-webpack', query: { progressive: true, optimizationLevel: 7, interlaced: false, pngquant: { quality: '65-90', speed: 4 } } // you can also do it like this: // query: { // mozjpeg: { // progressive: true, // }, // gifsicle: { // interlaced: false, // }, // optipng: { // optimizationLevel: 7, // } // } } ] } ] 

Note that rules same as the top level of webpack 1 loaders , and use same as webpack 1 loaders at the individual bootloader level (after test ). As you can see, this was confusing before, so the scheme was renamed to webpack 2.


This is caused by the presence of parameters in the request object, which now belong to one of the child objects.


This is bad:

  'file-loader', { loader: 'image-webpack-loader', query: { progressive: true, optimizationLevel: 7, pngquant: { quality: '65-90', speed: 4 }, mozjpeg: { progressive: true }, gifsicle: { interlaced: true }, optipng: { optimizationLevel: 7 } } } 

where is it good:

  'file-loader', { loader: 'image-webpack-loader', query: { pngquant: { quality: '65-90', speed: 4 }, mozjpeg: { progressive: true }, gifsicle: { interlaced: true }, optipng: { optimizationLevel: 7 } } } 

The following webpack2 configuration for image-webpack-loader is great for me:

 { loader: 'image-webpack-loader', options: { progressive: true, optipng: { optimizationLevel: 7, }, mozjpeg: { quality: 65 }, gifsicle: { interlaced: true, }, pngquant: { quality: '65-90', speed: 4 } } } 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1014940/

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