Mpg / mpeg jquery audio file duration

I have the following code base

 Audiosource.onloadeddata = function () {

When I use .mp3, .mp4, .ogg, .wav, the duration of the sound fills correctly, but when I use the mpg or mpeg audio file, the duration does not load.

I tried with converted mpg and mpeg audio file, I don't have original mpg or mpeg audio files. Is there a link to download these files.

Any suggestion would be highly appreciated.


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2 answers

At first they thought that you need to set the server header headers audio/mpeginstead video/mpeg. I tried setting my own correctly nginx, but the audio tag still does not work.

, mpeg.

Firefox Ogg Vorbis WAV

Opera Ogg Vorbis WAV

Safari MP3, AAC MP4

Chrome Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV, AAC MP4

Internet Explorer 9+ MP3, AAC MP4


Android AAC MP3

, , . wiki , mpeg .



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