Creating a single-layer jar from a project with several maven modules - including test classes

I am in a situation where I need to build a thick jar from a project with several maven modules. The project is based on the Selenium / oucumber API.

The structure of my project is as follows

   Parent -- pom
   |__core_module src/main/java --> helper classes for selenium
   |__acme_module src/main/test --> Test Classes for acme project

I tried different ways to create "acme_test.jar", which includes core_module + acme_module. But not one of them helped me.

It is very important to understand how to solve this.


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2 answers

@MariuszS, , Unit , (= / ) Acme.

   Parent -- pom
   |__core_module src/main/java --> helper classes for selenium
   |__acme_module src/main/java --> Classes specific for navigating acme 
   |__acme_module src/test/java--> (Unit etc) Test Classes for acme project

, acme_module core_module .

, acme_module :

                <!-- add Main-Class to manifest file -->
                    <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

core_module, include


acme_module - .

core_module acme_module .

src/test/java src/main/java, . (, junit), test, main.



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