With the C preprocessor, you can have some high order macros. Something like that:
#define ABC(f) f(a) f(b) f(c) #define XY(f) f(x) f(y) #define CODE(x) foo_ ## x ABC(CODE) #undef CODE #define CODE(x) bar_ ## x XY(CODE) #undef CODE
foo_a foo_b foo_c bar_x bar_y
Is there any trick to nesting such iterations to do something like this?
#define CODE(x) foo_ ## x NEST(ABC, XY, CODE) #undef CODE
Thus, the output will be:
foo_ax foo_ay foo_bx foo_by foo_cx foo_cy
In particular, I would like the ABC
and XY
definitions to be independent of each other, so I can still use ABC
autonomously or maybe even something like this:
#define CODE(x) foo_ ## x NEST(XY, KLMN, ABC, CODE) #undef CODE
For the record here is the solution:
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq.hpp> #define ABC (a) (b) (c) #define XY (x) (y) #define CODE(r, prod) BOOST_PP_CAT(foo_, BOOST_PP_SEQ_CAT(prod)) BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_PRODUCT(CODE, (ABC) (XY))
foo_ax foo_ay foo_bx foo_by foo_cx foo_cy