If I type ": I'm Double" or ": I'm Float" in ghci, it says Double and Float are instances of Fractional. But the Haskell docs say that is not the case. So are they or not? http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
Double and Float are part of RealFloat , which continues with RealFrac and Floating ; both of which are expanded by Fractional .
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1014861/More articles:Split string directly into array - arraysHow does NPM handle version conflicts? - node.jsTemplateNotFound error when starting a simple Airflow BashOperator - pythonHow the switch statement works - cIMessageExt application Error starting application - iosHow to trim a string of a certain length, but include full words after truncation - javaWhy does the slower version of splitAt work with a lazy template? - pattern-matchingyo can't find jhipster after global add generator-jhipster thread - node.jsJava 8 streams for string manipulation - java-8Creating charts as an image without visualizing the user interface in .net / .net core - .netAll Articles