How to install Mayavi server databases?

OS: Linux Kubuntu 14.4.5

Python: Python 3.5.2 :: Continuum Analytics, Inc.

I tried installing Mayavi in ​​my anaconda environment:

conda install -c menpo mayavi=4.5.0 conda install -c anaconda wxpython= conda install pyqt conda install qt 

But when I try to run the example from , I get an error

 ImportError: Could not import backend for traits 

with an explanation:

Make sure you have either TraitsBackendWx or TraitsBackendQt projects installed. If you installed Mayavi with easy_install, try easy_install. easy_install Mayavi [application] will also work.

If you have performed the source code verification, be sure to run 'python, set the "outline", "TraitsGUI" and the "Traits" of your choice.

Also make sure that either wxPython or PyQT is installed. WxPython: PyQT:

I searched the Internet and tried to find something to configure, but did not find anything.

From I realized that I can install it through pip using pip install mayavi , but this only led to messages that “Requirement is already satisfied” , among which

The requirement has already been met: features in / anaconda 2 / envs / myenv / lib / python3.5 / site-packages (from mayavi)

What to do?

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1 answer

The following steps worked for me (in python2 environment):

 conda create -yn mayavitest source activate mayavitest conda install -yc menpo mayavi=4.5.0 conda install -y pyside conda install qt ETS_TOOLKIT=qt4 python /path/to/ 

Installing pyside can lower qt, so qt must be installed again.



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