I tried to clone a private repository (which I have access to) on github and get this message:
Clone failedFailed to connect to "source". Double check the remote URL, then make sure that you have access to perform this action on this remote and try again.
Clone failed
Failed to connect to "source". Double check the remote URL, then make sure that you have access to perform this action on this remote and try again.
I run windows 10, I connected kraken to github and ssh key works, and I can embed repositories into other github repositories that are public. I was also able to clone the repo from the command line just fine.
- GitKraken HTTPS GitHub SSH Windows. OAuth2, , OAuth2 GitKraken.
https://support.gitkraken.com/integrations/githubAdd Remote Clone , , . GitKraken , GitKraken ., GitKraken GitHub, .
https://support.gitkraken.com/integrations/githubAdd Remote Clone , , . GitKraken , GitKraken .
, , :
GitKubken GitKraken :
, :
, , GitKraken, . GitKraken .
"GitHub Enterprise" "GitHub.com":
, , OAuth 2 , GitKraken (.. ) Pro ").
, Github - , GitKraken, , Gitkraken SSH .
, URL- URL- SSH ( ssh:, SSH, SSH. " Preferences > authentication > Github, , .
Preferences > authentication > Github
. , GitHub.com GitKraken. , , GitKraken . .
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