The best option is to add a self-signed certificate to the certificate store
Get server certificate tree This can be done using chrome.
Go to the server. Click on the lock icon and view the certificates. Export the entire certificate chain to a base64 (PEM) encoded file format.
Add certificates to the trust chain of your GIT trust configuration file In GIT bash on the machine on which the job is running, do the following:
"git config --list".
find the http.sslcainfo
configuration that shows where the certificate trust file is located. 3. Copy all certificates to the trust chain file, including "- -BEGIN- -"
and "- -END- -"
. Make sure you add the ROOT certificate chain to the certificate file
This should solve your problem with self-signed certificates and with GIT.
Another way is to remotely access your slave and run the following:
git config --global http.ssl
This will save in the global configuration that this instance never checks SSL, this is NOT recommended, it should only be used for testing, and then turn it off again. This must be done correctly as described above.
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